Ask Your Character Questions (Including Point-of-View) Here!

Here you can ask us questions about creating fictional characters. We will try to answer your character questions below, and invite others to comment as well.

character questions

Characters are, of course, one of the essential elements of fiction. Sometimes an engaging character will stay with a reader long after they have forgotten the plot of a story. And even the most engaging plot can appear lifeless if it does not involve characters whom the reader cares about.

Of course, the subject of fictional characters is tied closely to both plot and point of view, so there may be some overlap.

We will also try to address character questions that are related to Dramatica story theory, which has some special observations to help writers, such as the distinction between main characters and protagonists, the function of impact characters, and how to use archetypal characters.

Some character questions may have already been addressed in articles on the novel writing page. So if this is the first time you have visited this site, you might start by looking there for answers. You may want to take a look at some of the other character questions that have been asked and answered below. Or you can search this site for relevant articles by entering your search term into this box...

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Otherwise, feel free to submit your character questions below...

Have a Question About Writing A Character? Questions About Point of View?

Submit a question about any aspect of characters, such as characterization, point of view, impact characters, archetypal characters or main characters. If we feel we can provide an answer that will benefit other visitors and that the question has not already been addressed at length elsewhere on this site, we will post it. (We also invite you to comment on questions others have submitted.)

Character Questions Others Have Asked

Click below to see character questions from other visitors to this page, and our answers...

Psychosis, Bonding and Deception 
Question: Okay, so I am writing a book about a Psychiatrist and his patient who suffers from antisocial personality disorder and psychosis, but I don't …

When a Character is Just a Plot Device 
Question: When a character is just a plot device, how do you make him seem alive? See, I am changing the plot of my novel to integrate a new plot. …

When is a Character Fully Developed? 
Question: How do I know when my character has been fully developed? When is a character fully developed? How will I know when to stop adding detail before …

Writing diversity as a white author 
I have a question about writing diversity as a white author. I'm working on a story that focuses on a mother and her three daughters as the main characters. …

Character Trait Cliches I Should Avoid? 
Question: Are there character trait cliches I should avoid? I'm planning a story for NaNoWriMo, and I'm currently working on the character arcs for my …

Too little consistency with the characters? 
I'm wondering if I have too little consistency with the characters in my fiction. I have worked on a fantasy series for quite some time and I have …

Character Death Reaction 
Question: One of my characters is at the brink of death. As much as it pains me, and as hard as I tried to keep her alive, she doesn't have much longer. …

Is it possible to have more than one main character? 
Question: I have a hypothetical idea for a novel. I say hypothetical because I don't know if I'll ever actually write it, but I'm enjoying planning the …

Question: The more I watch the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer, the more I feel (and hear, it seems) that Rey and Kylo Ren aren't protagonist and …

How to make your main characters unique? 
Question: Do you have any advice on how to make your main characters unique? Lately, I've noticed an issue in my writing. Whenever I get inspired to …

Who is my Antagonist? 
Question: I don't know who is my antagonist. Well, so I am writing a novel (Genre: Fantasy/Magic) about an older Brother (Let's call him John) who wants …

How to make a good villain 
Question: I have my story and know pretty much everything, I just feel like my villain is missing something. The villain has a connection to the other …

Multiple POV Characters but One Main Character 
First question: How can you have multiple POV character but one main character? IOW, how do you show the actions of multiple people without straying …

Does your antagonist have to know they are the antagonist? 
Question: I'm very glad I found this website; it's very informative. I have a question but I'm not sure if it pertains more to character development …

Describing a Character's Physical Traits 
Question: I have all my characters pictured perfectly in my mind but I'm not sure how I would describe them when writing. One of my fears is that even …

Tips on keeping a character consistent? 
Hi Glen, Do you have any tips or insights as to how to make it easier to, I guess, know your characters to the point that you don't have to think about …

Tips for writing a large cast of characters 
Question: I'm writing a story with a LOT of characters in it, 18 to be exact. It's kind of like the Danganronpa series in the way that it wouldn't work …

Reviving Characters 
Hello, At the end of my book, the twist is that the main character gives into her selfishness/hate/pride and sacrifices her best friend to a demon …

When should a character get over another character's death? 
Hi, I'm not actually stuck, but I don't want my whole book to be stupid dark and somber and I don't know where to stop the character's melancholic reflections. …

Questions and Answers About Impact Characters 
I am writing a trilogy using the Dramatica software and I have a question about creating an impact character for a series. I plan to make a series storyform …

Trouble connecting with main character 
Question: A friend of mine read the first few chapters of my novel and helped me pinpoint a major problem: my introverted main character is becoming …

Love interest and internal conflict 
Question: The main characters of my novel have feelings for each other and I know that I want internal conflict to play a big role, but is a love interest …

Dialogue for characters 
Hello there, I'm Danny and I'm working on a novel at the moment that is a historical fiction set in ancient Greece aimed at teenagers. I …

How to make characters less like people you know 
Question: I'm writing a novel and it's based on people and things that have actually happened to me but I don't want people to know its real and I want …

Click here to ask your question.

Character Development 
Question: My story is fairly simple, Sun and Moon Guardians (which are the souls of the Sun and Moon) are on Earth because the Darkness the Sun had 'fought …

Transliterating Accents (If that's the right word) 
Hey Glen me again. I'm struggling with the dialogue of one of my characters in a story. Most of the characters, and the setting, are English and …

How do I avoid a cliché goal for my antagonist? 
Question: I love good villains, but I usually don't love them because of what they stand for. I like them because of what they look like, because of …

Can the main character and the antagonist be the same person in third person POV?  
Hello I'm writing a psychological thriller from a third person point of view (from the main character's view not the protagonist) My main characters …

This is too predictable, isn't it? 
Question: In my novel-in-progress, I have two characters who are friends. I like them as a couple and want them to fall for each other. The boy is immortal …

Antagonist... who is not really an antagonist 
Question: Ok, after this rather confusing title, let me explain to you: My main character's objective is to defeat a terrible man, a dictator that rules …

Question: I've created a character which feels real. I know what he wants, why he wants it, I know all his little secrets. I pretty much know everything …

Writing in First Person  
Question: If you are writing in first person, from the point-of-view of the main character, how do you write what's happening with other characters who …

Writing About Political Figures 
Are there any hard and fast rules when writing about political figures -- including real life political figures like a President of The United States or …

Multiple personalities  
Hello. I'm working on a story right now and I have a character who has multiple personality disorder and has hallucinations. Is it possible for her to …

How to make them human 
Hi. I've been writing a book for quite a while now and the big struggle I face is how to make my characters act like normal humans. Every human has flaws, …

Too many ideas for the same character 
Question: Hey! I've been having this problem for a good few years now... I have a set of characters I would like to make a book for, but I don't know …

Focusing on different characters at the same time 
Question: I've been writing a story, and I've made a lot of characters. Each character has to be someone the reader knows- even if it's not a very important …

Developing a detailed Character Arc 
I have been trying to figure out how to go about developing a detailed character arc (external conflict, external motivation, but the inner conflict, …

Deciding between two character types 
Hey, so I have a question regarding my main character. The story is that his kingdom of nords was once a powerful and great nation until a huge dragon …

Monster "lesser" antagonist problems. 
Hi! I am attempting to write a fantasy series, but I wanted to have a main villain like Harry Potter's Voldemort, who doesn't exactly show himself until …

Writing Stories About Antiheroes 
Question: I really enjoy writing antihero characters, ones that are so cynical and evil you cant help but love them but I'm not sure I'm doing it right. …

Coward Character Turned Brave 
Hello, Glen. First of all, I'd like to thank you for the simple but fantastic advice you give on this website, it's amazing! Second, I have a question …

who's my protagonist 
Question: I have a character who I really like and I've always thought of her as the main character or one of the main characters. But she isn't actually …

A Convincing heavy well built Character  
Hello there, I'm having a trouble with specific characters that should be really 'heavy' in the story, by heavy I mean effective, major, and convincing, …

Genderless character  
Hi! So long story short, my main character is basically genderless and I can't figure out how to convey that through POV and pronoun usage. any help would …

Writing Fantasy: Scene Transitions 
Question: I have a fantasy novel that I've been working on for a while now, and though I've got most of the story plot, characters, and world planned …

Can I reach a male audience with a female protagonist?  
Hello! I've read that authors should write with a target audience in mind. I've just started giving thought to what age range and gender I'm targeting. …

Make a Nonphysical Villain Believable 
Question: How does one make a nonphysical villain believable? By nonphysical, I mean that my main villain is a parasite that doesn't use a physical …

Switching points of view?? 
Question: I was wondering if it was okay to change the point of view every once in a while. I am only writing this story for two reasons: for myself …

Click here to ask your question.

Changing POV Characters Within a Book 
I'm considering changing POV characters within a book. Part 1 would be from one character's point of view, and Part 2 would pick up the story some time …

Magic-Wielder is too Much Like a Superhero 
In the story I'm writing, my magic-wielder is too much like a superhero. Now, I love super heroes, don't get me wrong, but in my opinion they are just …

Fleshing Out Characters 
Question: I will admit, I am usually a 'pantser'. However, as experience has shown how flimsy that can be, for my latest piece I actually started fleshing …

Antagonist with no Connection to the Main Plot  
Question: In the story I am writing I have a minor antagonist with no connection to the main plot, who is there to spark emotional conflict with the …

Having trouble with my story line/ plot. 
My story is about a sixteen-year-old girl, Roxanne. Her father, John, was a werewolf, but her mother is human and Roxanne did not become a werewolf. My …

can't figure out who the villian is 
Question: In my story I have a princess that was transported with her mother to earth because her father decided to keep on with an arranged marriage …

Sweet dreams or terrified nightmares 
Question: Sorry, but I do have a few to ask. 1) Four years ago, I wrote a book as part of a series. Now I want to add more to the story. Is there any …

Dark Character 
Hello. I'm writing a fantasy novel that takes place in this world and I have a character that's a dark spirit, who's very hard to understand, and want …

Too many characters 
Question: My story started with four main characters (a family) but soon became seven I am worried that there are too many characters. I don't want …

Identifying an Antagonist  
Question: I've recently come across Dramatica theory and it has helped me a lot. I am writing the first book in a three book series. One issue I'm still …

Can a protagonist be immoral? 
I'm wondering... can a protagonist be immoral? Currently, I'm working on a story where my protagonist is a rebellious high school student in China who's …

Who should be my protagonist? 
Question: I am writing a screen play but I'm not sure who should be my protagonist. The story takes place in modern day New York City with two established …

How to write good gay characters 
Question: One of my supporting male characters is revealed to be gay more near the end of my story. Him being gay is an essential part of his motives …

Making my Main Character Care About Strangers 
Question: So I've been trying to tackle this problem of making my main character care about strangers -- making him a passionate person. You know, so …

Killing off characters 
Question: I am writing my plot outline and listing all of the characters I am planning on putting in my story, but I realized, after figuring out simple …

Help/Hinder, Support/Oppose 
Question: What are the key differences between these two pairs? They seem very similar to me. Any examples would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks! …

Characterization and Character Growth the Same? 
Question: I am not an expert so forgive me for asking this question but I really do want to know if characterization and character growth the same thing …

Developing Your Protagonist's Personality 
Question: What kind of personality should my protagonist have? Answer: Some writers would say that developing your protagonist's personality should …

Leaving a mystery unsolved? 
Hello, I'm outlining the plot of my first novel. The story is about a couple that is accused of murdering a child and their lawyer who has just graduated …

How to choose a main character? 
Question: My novel has two characters (both female)that are best friends, and out of all the characters I've created, they were the two I spent the most …

More than two people speaking 
Question: I would like some advice on how to incorporate more than two people speaking in the same conversation without saying "He said" and "She said" …

Writing an Autobiography 
Question: Writing a novel is like writing an autobiography because stories are being told on every page. What differs is the characters. They already …

Character Turning Point 
Question: I've written many published non-fiction narratives with a character turning point but I'm having trouble figuring out the for my protagonist. …

keeping my protagonist interesting 
Question: I've starting working on a story that I want to write in my spare time, and I'm having a problem keeping my protagonist interesting. It has …

How to Develop a Character 
Question: I'm having a small problem in my book with how to develop a character. As I said in my previous question, I'm writing a rather depressing tale …

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Protagonist, Antagonist, and Internal Conflict 
I'm trying to plan out my novel, which very closely follows my life from the past few years, and I'm having difficulty knowing whether I'm going in the …

Change roles in a subplot 
Question: Would it make a character seem shifty if in the overall plot they were the emotion player, but in a subplot they were the voice of reason? …

Can I make my main character an antagonist? 
Question: I'm trying to write a story about a psycho killer who thinks himself a vampire. He's the main character. My story goal is to let him kill …

Objective Story throughline  
Question: I have filled in the plot progression chart in dramatica. I have put antagonist actions in Objective Story throughline, but should I put actions …

The villain's hidden agenda? 
Question: My villain is being quite secretive and won't let me in on his diabolical scheme. I was wondering if you could help shed some light on the …

smarter than a super genius 
Question: Okay, so I am writing a story where my main character is a holmesian-style detective, who often relies on his cunning wit and superior intelligence …

How to keep my villian's status as the main antagonist clear? 
Ok, so, here is the premise for my story... Young man (yes, man, not boy) who is training to become a great warrior, is suddenly orphaned after his family …

How do I get readers to care about my character? 
Hi, its me, Natasha again. I just recently changed my plot the last time I submitted a question. I know what my plot is now. My question now is, how do …

Question about the Impact character. 
I'm here with a question about the impact character (and other questions), if you don't mind. In the middle of my story, the protagonist (the one in …

Inter-Relationship between Story Goal, Protagonist and Antagonist 
I am struggling with the inter-relationship between Story Goal, Protagonist and Antagonist. It is to the best of my understanding so far, that the Overall …

Charracter Points of View 
Question: Are character points of view like the way a character "sees" another. For example, in snow white, the evil queen views snow white as someone …

Personality Typing Characters 
Question: I've been using the Myers Briggs personality test (in reverse as with fictional characters) to type the high ranking characters in my book. …

Cunning Antagonist 
Question: I've always had difficulty making the villain truly clever, intelligent, and crafty. I know this depends on aspects such as history, mentality, …

Using Public Domain Characters in Fiction 
Question: Is there anyway I can find out about Public Domain characters? I'd be interested to use some and am not sure where to look nor do I want to …

Can Any Character Die?  
So there are a lot of books, films, and tv shows that have the logic that "Anyone Can Die - At any moment" But at what point does that not work for a story? …

I Lost my Antagonist 
I am yet to get any further than writing the prologue and first chapter in my novel but I have been thinking about the plot and characters. I have two …

Most compelling point-of-view 
Hello! I'm currently fleshing out ideas and trying to decide on the most compelling point-of-view character for a story that I really feel something with. …

From the Antagonist's viewpoint 
Question: In my story the Protagonist becomes the leader of one group while the Antagonist becomes the leader of an opposing group. With this in mind, …

Pros and Cons of first and third person 
Question: I have a question about the pros and cons of first person narration. I am pretty much 100% sure that my book is going to be in first person …

Can the antagonist be a character from a daydream? 
I am just beginning to consider writing a story where the protagonist has a disorder that involves excessive daydreaming. In the story,she spends much …

Advantages of multiple POV characters 
Question: What are the advantages of multiple POV characters? Or is it better to just have a couple? In my book I have like five or more main characters …

Is an Antagonist Necessary?  
Is an antatonist necessary in a story? For example, I'm writing a story about a 21 year old girl, who meets her grandmother on a plane back from Paris …

Building a tight bond between two characters 
Hi. In a romantic novel, what are some of the techniques to build a tight bond between two characters and let readers see and feel this at the start of …

Rounding out characters 
Question: I keep coming up with things for my main character like what happened to her and what she's going through but I have like 4 or 5 other characters …

Perfect character for a drama series 
Question: I'm making a drama series of a scientist who has a girlfriend and they are sent to study an artifact in space which ends up destroying the …

Click here to ask your question.

Can the Impact character be the main character? 
Can the impact character be the main character? I ask because I watch a lot of anime. A common thread that I noticed is that the Main character had a mentor …

How to Write a Holistic Character 
Question: Matching a linear-thinking main character with a holistic-thinking impact characterC (or vice versa) sounds like a great idea. Problem is, …

first person to third person  
Question: How can I smoothly transition between these two points of view, or how can I switch to another person's point of view? Answer: The problem …

Relationship between two characters and one powerful item in between them. 
Question: I love your site! It is exactly what I needed to get started on a book I have always put on the "someday" shelf. And it's been going pretty …

Gay/bi supporting character 
Question: So, I have a supporting (important) male character who is, it is revealed, in love with the MC, who is also a man. The way I have written said …

How to write a realistic relationship 
I'm writing a novel about some guy who, after slipping into a coma from severe gunshot wounds, dreams of a medieval place, but later find out he's not …

Main Character Resolve 
Question: What exactly does the Main Character Resolve mean? Can you give examples? Answer: Main Character Resolve refers to how the main character …

Introducing the villain 
I've been trying to figure what point in my novel I should be introducing the villain. I am 16 and completely new to writing but I have an outstanding …

Who is my protagonist? 
Question: I'm writing a story with multiple POVs and an alternating timeline, and I'm uncertain who is my progagonist. Essentially the story is a romance …

Adult Coming of Age Novel 
Question: I have been debating the genre breakdown of my historical fiction novel and have come to the conclusion that it may fall into the category …

Story With a Twist Ending 
Hello, I'm a college student who is taking Fundamentals of Creative Writing. Our main assignment of the year is to write a polished piece of fiction to …

I can't seem to choose my main characters. 
Question: My novel is based around several gods and goddesses who are the main focus of the story. However, I can't seem to choose my main characters. …

Main Character is the Protagonist 
Question: I have a main character, who is the brother of the antagonist, who is the leader of the city. The story is about the rebellion leader, who …

Which dramatica role to assign my character 
Question: I purchased the "Dramatica Special Tenth Anniversary Edition" book and the StoryWeaver software, and I'm not sure which dramatica role to assign …

Have characters but no plot 
Question: I have these three characters that I really like and really want to use but I have no plot ideas for any of them. I've tried to come up with …

Thematic Issue in Dramatica 
Question: I am stuck on the question about thematic issue in Dramatica software. It is asking me about the passionate struggle between my main character …

Resolution of the Main Character's Arc 
My question is about the resolution of the main character's arc. My main character is a seven-year-old girl. Throughout the story she solves most of her …

A protagonist whose actions are rude or offensive 
Question: How can you write a protagonist whose actions are rude and offensive at the beginning of the book (because he is troubled), in a way that doesn't …

Characters With Contrasting Personality Traits 
I have a question about characters with contrasting personality traits. I'm a student who will be a freshman in college this year, I'm hoping to eventually …

POV Character has to be Relatable 
Question: I've been wondering whether or not a main character/POV character has to be relatable to the reader. Is it enough that the reader can sympathize …

Multiple perspectives  
I have a question about multiple perspectives in a story. So ... I've been working on a story for quite some time now. I crafted a plot that satisfied …

Creating a believable male charactor 
Question: I'm currently trying to describe one of my main characters and I'm having a hard time because it's a guy and I'm a girl. I'm having trouble …

Character's Change/Growth Throughout a Series 
My question is focused on my protagonist character's change/growth throughout a series in the fact on how I want him/her to change into a villain/bad guy/anti-hero …

Characters and Vulnerability 
My question is about characters and vulnerability. I have a habit of writing strong female leads or just 'normal' women with 'normal' confidence levels, …

Trouble with POV and multiple lead characters. 
Question: I'm writing a YA novel series told from 1st person POV. Two characters (the main characters) are being told from this POV at the moment. I …

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A Question About Varying Protaganists  
Question: I have a question about varying protagonists. I literally just realized that, as I was originally trying to figure out the plot of my story, …

Character Introduction Order 
Question: I've been having trouble with the order in which I introduce the main characters in my story. I know that typically you want to introduce …

Rounding out my main characters 
Question: I have been having issues with some people feeling that my main characters are flat. What I wonder is if I'm just not getting the info out …

Can I have two protagonists? 
Question: I've been toying with the idea of writing a story(not sure I can call it a book yet:) for years, but have only lately begun to view "story" …

Classic Hero as Antagonist? 
Question: Can a classic hero be an antagonist? For instance, in my fantasy novel, I've got three main characters. One is a classical good guy: young, …

The Right Way To Do Flashbacks? 
Question: I'm curious about the right way to do flashbacks. I'm about to start writing my latest novel. To introduce character building and development, …

A Main Character who is Gay 
Question: The story that I am currently writing has a main character who is gay and 18 years old. What advice can be given on how best to write …

An Organization that Takes on the Antagonist Role 
Question: In the novel I'm writing, there isn't a single main antagonist exactly, but an organization that takes on the antagonist role. The organization …

Lack of In-depth Insight.  
Question: I have self-published my first novel and I have some good reviews and some not so good. This one was fairly complementary until the following …

Trickster out of control 
Question: OK, it's not quite as urgent as the title sounds, but it is still a problem. In my novel, one of my favorite characters is an androgynous shape-shifter …

Being True to the Characters 
Question: I am a really firm believer in being true to the characters in one's story, and writing the characters as you think they would act as opposed …

More Than One Antagonist? 
Question: It doesn't seem like a it wouldn't work out, but I wanted to ask just in case. My main question - Is it okay to have more than one antagonist. …

Sympathetic Villain 
Question: I'm writing a story with a friend of mine for fun, but I'm feeling uneasy about the sympathetic villain I made myself. She's supposed to be …

Making Characters Likable and Unlikable Characters 
Question: My protagonist in my current story is a teenage girl. The story is told in first person from her point of view. In a nutshell, she has low …

Basing your protagonist on yourself 
Question: I know basing your protagonist on yourself is usually considered bad. It's said to be lazy and a sign of limited skill. But if your character …

Character's voice 
Hi, so I am trying to figure out how to describe my evil character's voice. I know her intentions, who she is, and how she sounds, but my problem is that …

Can One Character be Both Protagonist and Antagonist? 
Question: How would you categorize a main character who acts as her own antagonist? Can one character be both protagonist and antagonist? For example, …

Parallel Stories 
Question: What I want to write, is parallel stories about two separate characters (a daughter and her father). They are both crucial to the story of …

A protagonist readers don't love 
Question: I seem to have a protagonist readers don't love. I'm writing about a young woman who is recovering from an ordeal that has made her mentally …

Can a Protagonist Play Two Roles? 
Question: Can a character serve as more than one archetypal role? Can a protagonist play two roles? For example, the skeptic or guardian? Or are these …

Confused About Main characters and Impact Characters 
Question: I am writing a simple quest story, but I'm confused about main characters and impact characters. The POV character (Paul, for ease) is an …

The Same Main Characters 
Hi, I've written 10 books or so but the weird thing is that I keep writing about the same main characters -- or nearly the same. They have the same …

How to Write Scenes About Groups of Characters 
Question: I am currently writing a sci-fi novel. When using large quantities of enemy forces as obstacles. I have some questions about how to write scenes …

Villain's Motives 
Question: I've thought about my protagonist's main goal and I've tried to keep in mind that the villain will want to prevent the main character from …

Showing a character's thoughts 
Question: Okay. I have a question about showing a character's thoughts. I know I have asked a few questions on here that are along the same lines, but …

Click here to ask your question.

Relationships Between Male and Female Characters 
How do you portray relationships between male and female characters that are very likeable and idealistic in a Romance but at the same time not too predictable …

An Omniscient Narrator 
Question: I'm having a little trouble. See, I'm writing a book with quite a lot of characters, all of them are equally important and I've decided to …

Character Outfits. 
Question: I can write what my characters look like, sound like, and even talk like. But no matter how hard I try I can not find the correct way to describe …

Writing Stories with Angel Characters 
Question: Hi. I'd first just like to say that your website has helped me out a lot. I'm currently writing a book that has characters that are angels. …

Animal Main Characters  
Question: I have been working on a five series for awhile, and have been wondering is it too cheesy to have animal main characters? In particular, can …

Character Clothing 
Question: I have tried to write for most of my life, but I've only recently started to get the hang of it. I write mostly fantasy, which means I need …

So many characters! 
Question: In my story, my main character is travelling the land on a quest. On the way, in different places, he meets so many characters (four others …

Multiple POV Characters in One Scene  
Question: Ok, I've already understood what's behind the choice of having multiple Main Characters and the possibility to switch POV from one Character …

Character Must Choose Between Two Love Interests  
Question: Okay, my character must choose between two love interests -- two guys she could be with. She is a mild-mannered surgeon. One love interest …

Archetypal Characters in Dramatica Q&A 
Question: Regarding the eight Archetypal Characters in dramatica and their functions... Can you clarify how I could make all of these function in a …

Careers/Jobs for your characters 
Question: How do you find and decide on good careers or jobs for your characters to have? I have my characters set up, and am halfway through my story...but …

Unique Personality For My Antagonist 
Question: I can't seem to come up with a unique personality for my antagonist. (I have come up with a motive for why he does what he does.) Answer: …

Effective Techniques for Getting the Reader's Sympathy 
Question: What are the most effective techniques for getting the reader's sympathy -- techniques to naturally make the reader feel the emotion that the …

Questions to Ask About Your Characters 
Question: I have my characters formed but just their names and birthdays and some aspects of their personalities but I want to know them more. How can …

Choosing Good Names for Book Characters 
Question: When trying to write a novel, the thing that gives me the most trouble is picking names. Names of people, names of places, names of ANYTHING. …

Introducing The Protagonist 
Question: Does the Protagonist have to be introduced before any other character? Answer: The short answer is no, though introducing the protagonist …

Main Character and Impact Character Query 
Question: Is it possible to have two main characters that are also the impact character to each other? Answer: Yes. In effect, you would have two …

Multiple Lead Characters 
Question: Is there anywhere I can turn to learn how to write a novel that features an ensemble of three friends as lead characters? Or do I just have …

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