Here's where you can get answers to your genre questions.
A lot of beginning writers seem to worry about what genre their story falls into. Perhaps this is because genre can be a complex topic, but more likely cause is that too many websites about writing say you should decide early on what genre you are writing in.
That's only partially true. On the one hand, if you know what type of book you want to write and who your readers are, it can help to consider their expectations.The correct genre label can also be a marketing tool you can use to target potential readers.
On the other hand, it can be said that every truly original book is
its own genre. Many groundbreaking works of fiction combine genres or exist within the gray area between genres. Genre blend or cross-genre stories are very common. For example, it is often said that science fiction is every genre, because every genre can be incorporated into science fiction. So we have SF westerns, SF mysteries, SF comedies, SF war stories, SF disaster stories, SF courtroom dramas, SF historicals (thank you, time travel), SF romances, etc. If you have a great idea for a story, but you're not certain what genre it is, don't agonize over it. You might just have an original idea.
That said, the biggest divide among readers seems to be between books considered mainstream or literary fiction and genre fiction.
Some would argue that the difference between the two is that genre fiction tends to be more plot-oriented, while literary fiction is more character-oriented, but these distinctions often break down on close examination and are highly subjective.
For the most part, what distinguishes a genre is that there are enough books with traits in common as to set them apart from the herd. Those traits can be similar settings (e.g. historical, science fiction, fantasy), audiences (children's books, young adult, chicklit), styles (humour), or the type of experience they offer readers. (More information about categorizing genres here.)
You can find definitions for the most common genres elsewhere on this site, or check out other articles on the topic of genre.
Below we invite you to submit your genre questions and will try to answer them. You can also read our answers to genre questions submitted by other readers.
Submit your questions about particular genres or writing genre fiction in general here. If we feel we can provide an answer that will benefit other visitors and that the question has not already been addressed at length elsewhere on this site, we will post it. (We also invite you to comment on questions others have submitted.)
Click below to see answers to questions other visitors have asked...
When Mystery author becomes popular
Dear Glen,
Thanks for your novel planning book.
I have written five romance books and a series of five mystery books. My first mystery is published in …
What genre would this be?
Question: I wrote something but I don't know how to classify it.
It's about someone who goes on telling their partner the story of their life and …
Writing Fantasy Q&A
Question: I'm trying to write a book like Game of Thrones, but don't want to copy it. I want to be writing an original fantasy story, any advice?
Mystery Deja vu
Dear Glen,
Once again, Thank You for your novel planning book. I'm writing my ninth novel with its help, the fifth in mystery.
While writing my mystery …
What genre is my book?
Question: It's set in Ancient Rome and has historical elements, though it doesn't really mention anything of importance that would classify it as "historical …
Best tense to use for horror (slasher) novel?
Question: I am an aspiring author and I'm planning to write a horror novel in the style of a slasher (think: Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc). I'm planning …
Writing Murder Mystery Questions
Question: Does the Resolution have to be that the detective finds the killer? Or can the reader find out who the killer is by the 4th driver so that …
NA/YA Genre Rules
Question: I have a hard time understanding the rules of NA and YA genres.
For example, I’m writing a fantasy novel with the characters in their 20s, …
Obligatory scenes for Low Fantasy and Mystery Genres
Question: Love your site!
Could you please list the obligatory scenes for Low Fantasy and also for Mysteries (two separate lists).
My current WIP …
Literary Fiction on Contemplation as the Goal
Question: I suppose the genre will most likely be a Literary Fiction since the focus is on philosophical questions. Can you suggest some works/books …
Things adults typically do, ways they act, things they say.
Question: What are some things that are cliché in the adult world (i.e. things typical of adults that teens wouldn't know) that a YA writer could draw …
A compelling ghost story
Question: I am trying to write a young adult supernatural/gothic ghost story. But that's as far as my mind goes - a young adult supernatural ghost story. …
SF Romance
Question: I'm writing a novel that is basically a romance novel, but it takes place in 2025 and the protagonists are working in technology field. There's …
making fantasy relatable
What are your thoughts or opinions on the importance of a fantasy world/setting being connected to our own real world in some way?
I got to thinking …
Genres: Do you think this is possible to pull off?
Hi! I'm currently worldbuilding a story I'm going to write in some years. English is not my mother tongue, so I'll need some time to enrich my vocabulary …
I wrote a Fiction Novel based on true events...
Question: I wrote a Fiction novel based on a true story with a word count of 30200. Is this too short? I'm a first time Author and intend to go for self …
Writing Disaster Stories
Hi. I am writing a novel about a disaster. There's chaos worldwide and people have nowhere to go. It's all about natural disaster, but I can't bring in …
"historical" fiction?
Question: I am researching and writing a book on an historical figure who was born in 1896 and died in 1981. Much of what is known about him is from …
Genre Angst
I have finally accepted that -- in my series of Christian novels -- I must let the reader know in the first page or so of each title …
Teen books, adult books...
Question: There are lots of books out there today, some are "teen books" written for teens and some are more for adults...
My question is, what makes …
About LGBT as a genre...
Question: My novel has a male-male couple in it. While the main focus of the story is not their relationship (it's spy/thriller/crime), and it will take …
Comic plot and a novel plot... any differance?
Question: I'm drawing a comic, or I might say a graphic novel. As its name might be self-explanatory (graphic novel is, well... a novel, duh) I think …
Soft Science Fiction vs. Hard Science Fiction
Question: What is the difference between soft science fiction and hard science fiction? How do I know which one my novel falls under?
Answer: In …
What Genre am I?
Question: I read a lot and I read a lot of different genres. It is hard for me to start out writing regardless of how many good starters I feel I have …
Click here to ask your question.
Differences: Psychological Horror and Horror
Question: I have a great idea for a horror novel but I am confused about the genre categorization. Is there a difference between a Psychological Horror …
is classifying my book mandatory ?
I already posted a question regarding the sagging middle syndrome on another category of this site and again thank you for all the time and work …
Flashbacks in psychological thriller.
Question: The main character in my psychological thriller has amnesia. I had scenes where other characters have flashbacks about parts of his life that …
Genre: Low Fantasy or Alternative History?
Question: What genre for an MC who gets a chance to live his life over again at a very young age, and decides to use his knowledge of future events in …
Which genre?
Question: My MC grows a pair of wings a after a spiritual journey (meeting with his inner self through lucid dreams).
He is then recruited by a secret …
Writing Children's Stories
It seems I have good Prose apparently, and I'm good at using a well-enough-defined vocabulary. However, I fear I might have issues then with the concept …
Cheesy Romance?
Question: I have nearly finished my book, it is about a group of high school friends who graduate and go on a cruise, and on this cruise they find their …
Epic stuff.
Hello your advice have been helpful. My question is: what makes a book or a story an epic? What are all the elements in an epic? Does an epic have to be …
Difference between YA and teen? And do word counts really matter?
Question: Is there a difference between YA and teen novels? If so what are they?
And do word counts really matter? I've looked it up on the internet …
Difference Between...YA & Adult Fiction
Question: Hello, I'm pretty sure that you may have answered this question already but I will ask if you don't mind.
Is the main difference between …
historical fiction
Question: If I use real people from 1806 in my historical fiction, do I need to be ready to footnote it? How can I avoid doing so? Change names? Put …
Homophobic publishers
Question: I would like to know why publishers refuse to publish novels with a GLBT theme to them?
I can search the net and find gay/lesbian themed …
Paranormal Romance Questions
Question: I was wondering if you could give me examples of story goal for paranormal romance stories. I think I'm confusing story goal with internal …
Is this Gothic fiction?
Question: I never really put any label on my stories because I just write them for fun, but a friend of mine said he could have sworn they counted as …
Is the Epic Sci-Fi Adventure genre dead, or Is There Still Room For It in Today's World?
Question: I am a writer with big dreams of writing an EPIC storyline.
A storyline that dares to go so far as to create a new universe that runs parallel …
Concerning Suspension of Disbelief in Steam / Dieselpunk
Question: The manuscript I'm writing is a blend of certain tropes from Low Fantasy, Diesel and Steam punks and oddly enough, SciFi. It essentially concerns …
About this genre...
Question: OK, I'll just say it: Erotica. There, now that we got that out of the way... I just really would like an actual writer/author's explanation …
Sorry, but I MUST ask...
Question: OK, my favorite genres to write in are mostly fantasy and occasionally steam/dieselpunk, but what I really like to do in those genres (or any …
One freakish crossover...
Question: OK, I have this idea for a novel that I really want to do, but I really want your opinion on whether or not it's likely to work. I know in …
Humorous Fiction Question
I am in the very beginning phases of writing. I have no real writing experience or really even know what I am doing for that matter. It has been …
Where Does Post Apocalyptic Fit In?
Question: Where does the Post Apocalyptic genre fit in? Is it a sub genre? Is it Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or Historical-in-Reverse? Any books on writing that …
Genre S.O.S.
Question: Okay I need a little help here cause I think I am totally lost on the genre topic of my book. I honestly don't really know how to describe …
How to stress my point
Question: OK, so my story is somewhere between fantasy and sci-fi. I find it pretty close to steampunk myself. Anyway, several elements of the culture …
The Fine Details Of Culture
Question: For fictional races or people, making a culture to go with them is a must, but I feel like I'm missing some things and I just can't name them! …
A New Race
Question: For my high fantasy, I want to create a world populated ENTIRELY by my own races, but I want them to be (for lack of a better word to use in …
Click here to ask your question.
Question: I'm a life-long high-fantasy fan, but instead of being all about novels, my dream is to write my own epic. Not just "epic" as in really cool, …
Women's Fiction
Question: Women's fiction is a broad audience term, but I was wondering if it is dictated by heroine's age (and vice versa)? For instance, Young Adult …
What exactly makes a "gay novel"?
Question: I'm curious... I've heard of "gay literature" as its own genre. I'm seriously curious of what qualifies a novel to become a gay novel. I like …
Why always "off-screen"?
Question: First things first, your site is awesome! As a novice writer, it's been a priceless resource for me. Anyway, I love writing fantasy mostly, …
Sexuality in High Fantasy
Question: I am a die-hard fan of high fantasy, and would love to make a career of it. But more than modern pop-culture fantasy (orcs, elves, etc.), I …
including research in a non- fiction book
Question: How do I include research into my book.
My book includes case studies. Do I add it the the bottom of the case study, if it is applicable, …
What if it includes gay characters?
Question: What if it has gay characters?
Answer: If the story is written to appeal to a gay audience, then you would use gay or LGBT as just another …
re: Stuck Between Two Stones: Fiction or Nonfiction?
Hello Glen- first, let me give you a bow and hats off on such an outstanding website. Truly it's a writer's very own cloud in heaven! Well, I am finally …
How much sex is too much?
Question: If I never go into much description is too much for my book to stay young adult, as far as sexual encounters go?
Answer: …
How to write a semi-autobiographical story about perseverance, politics, self-reflection and metaphysics?
Question: I know the question is kinda vague,sorry. I guess what i want to know is how to find a story goal that can carry the average reader(and anchor …
Nonfiction Help
Question: I've always been interested in the way that we are all influenced by the expectations of society on us. I have been brainstorming and writing …
Space Opera
Question: ok i guess this would fall under a sci-fi/action genre. i did a prompt in my college writing class about space pirates and was not having my …
Can you write a topic that's YA but not teenager-y?
Question I'm writing a story, and I want it to be directed towards generally teenager age readers, but I am terrified of it being put in the same class …
Finding a story goal in a parody novel.
Question: I absolutely love humor and recently found the inspiration to write a novel-length parody on the adventure and fantasy genres. I've worked …
Novel problem: how to explain superpowers
Question: First of all, I would just like to thank you for all the tips and information put up on this site-it has truly helped me better organize and …
Children's Animal Stories
Question: I hope you can give some advice. I would like to write a fictional children's book about animals and perhaps publish it online on my website …