by Fioldaliza Woods
(Apopka, FL.)
Hello Glen- first, let me give you a bow and hats off on such an outstanding website. Truly it's a writer's very own cloud in heaven! Well, I am finally ready!! For 15 years I've put this calling off, while each day being reminded by those who have been my students throughout the years, that all my great and captivating stories "should belong in a book." I've encountered experiences and stories that if never told, they will never serve as a lesson or to develop the lives of others. However, this is my desire. I love nonfiction! It's all I ever read while growing and still today at age 39 it's all I love to read. Some fiction pieces are awesome, and I too have read some great fictional works, but as an educator, a reality that has hit our society is the fact that our youngsters and young adults just don't want to read anymore. Standardized testing, and curricula are mainly tailored around nonfiction, and our states create their tests using nonfiction reads. Based on this fact, I wanted to write where my work can be part of school curricula and literature book lists; but with more of the nonfiction genre in place. However, I wanted to write stories in a plot setting that would give the YA the feeling that they are reading a nonfiction so good that it all feels like it's fictional. In other words, a story created with characters who develop a plot that truly did happen at some time. What type of genre would this fall into? And can this be all possible to do? Look forward to your professional insight.
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