Writing Werewolves?

Question: So far, the only thing I know about my story is that I want a werewolf protagonist. I have read plenty of stories about someone being turned into a werewolf and struggling with that change. But I wanted my protagonist to be born a werewolf, and I did not want werewolves to be mindless creatures subject to the moon's whim. Rather, I wanted them to be very human, but harbor an instinctive destructive, yet protective, force inside of them. That force is what causes humans to be afraid of them.

But the problem is, all I know about the story is that I want my main character to be a werewolf. What I know about my main character is that she is 19 years old, and African American. But aside from that, I'm not sure how to move forward. I cannot decide whether I want to populate my world with just humans and werewolves, or add more nonhumans.
Basically, I don't know how to tie the werewolves in such a way that taking them out would destroy the story.
To sum it all up, I have three basic questions:
1. How should I move forward when all I know is that I want to write about werewolves? What things should I keep in mind? Any book recommendations on writing werewolves?
2. Would it be strange to populate my world with humans, werewolves, and magicians? I thought that the magicians, since they are more useful and essentially human, would be welcomed by society while werewolves are treated like pariahs. Is this too cliche?
3. How do I choose a setting for a story about werewolves? In your opinion, what kind of place would they live in?


1. Try asking yourself what types of problems/situations a 19-year-old Afro-American female werewolf might find herself in. What problems arise from being 19? From being Afro-American? From being a werewolf? How about all three at once? Make a list. Then ask yourself questions about each possibility. A number of story ideas will emerge.

2. You're writing about a werewolf and you're worried about the story seeming strange? As long as the story world makes sense to you and is internally consistent, you're fine. Also, cliches are fine, as long as you put a fresh spin on them or combine them in new ways.

3. You have to decide where you want your werewolves to live, according to what interests to you. Where and when do you think they would live? Ask yourself what different types of problems would arise in different settings, and see which ones intrigue you the most.

Comments for Writing Werewolves?

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Werewolf writing help
by: Anonymous

I would recommend that when writing about werewolves first thing you should do is decide whether it be a romance, historical, or comedy, or what other genre(s) you want your story to be.

Figure out what you want your main character's name to be and some of the other character's names. THink about their traits too, if they are out-going, shy, quiet, passionate, determined, interested, intellectual, or angry. Figure out what your character's goal/future (in the story) is and what will stop them from getting it. Internal or external conflicts or both.

answer some of these questions in your head and I hope this helps get you started. Also, if you know what you want to happen in your story but don't know how to start it, just go ahead and jump right into the "good stuff" and come back and write the beginning whenever you want.

A Werewolf Book
by: K.E.M

So I am writing a horror/romance/mystery book. I've got most of the story figured out but I'm having trouble figuring out what the werewolf should say, I want it to be creepy and evil. What should I do?

to: K.E.M.
by: Glen

If you know why your werewolf is speaking, what he wants, his personality, who he is talking to, and his perspective on the situation that should help you know what he wants to say.

The more you can "get into character" (assume the character's point of view) when you're writing, the easier it is to write.

Real Werewolves Are Scary
by: Anonymous

What people seem to forget is that the werewolf represents the brutal side that humans keep hidden. It is no coincidence that serial killers and violent criminals were referred to as "werewolves" in the Middle Ages and not too long ago.

To me, what modern stories do in terms of humanizing the werewolf is just sinful. The creature is a beast. It's not a sexy, attractive teenager with the ability to turn into a big fluffy wolf. It's a hulking, relentless, indestructible monster that will stop at nothing to ravage everything in its path.

That being said, the werewolf can represent a great many things in literature. The ones that jump out the most to me would be the conflict between nature and humanity, a conflict within oneself, and the conflict between humanity's true nature and what we want to think ourselves.

Whatever way you look at it, the werewolf is a fascinating literary monster that does not get the attention that it truly deserves. I think it's high time there was a new werewolf novel that does the lycanthrope justice.

by: Anonymous

I'm writing a book about two men falling in love in the 1990's, One of them is a werewolf while the other is a vampire. I've already decided to use External conflict and Internal conflict, I just don't know how I should write them.
What did people born in the 90's think of same-sex relationships?
Did that usually destroy family relations and bonds with friends?
What were the negative outcomes?
How do you describe a gay panic? or When they discover they're gay?

Werewolves and Vampires in the 90's
by: Anonymous

So I am writing a paranormal romance called Forbidden Love about two guys falling in love but being unaccepted by society. I have no idea how to write the plot at all. A few questions I have are:
What would the negative outcomes if they were found out?
What type of expectations would there be?
How would you describe a person panicking about being found out?
And finally how would I be able to make it seem relatable?

to anonymous
by: Glen

This is where you must do your own research. I suggest you talk to some gay men who are old enough to have faced this type of problem in the 1990s, as they will be your best source of info. Try to talk to more than one person. Don't use their stories directly, but you can take elements of several different people's stories and adapt them for your character.

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