by Peter
Obviously I don't have the time to look through every story revolving around alternate universes to see whether my storyline is similar to another, but as of late I've been really concerned about whether I am doing one similar to a story done before.
Question: "My plot revolves around a villain that discovers the secrets of traveling between alternate universes but is sent through by an invader from the opposing universe who wants to spread anarchy and evil to feed his power. With time running out, Seth must find a way to save his world whilst trapped in another. With allies on both worlds, it's two worlds against one enemy."
That's a vague outline of my story, it's more character driven then story. However I'm worried that a book out there may have something similar, of course I do not have time to look through every book and film to see if it's okay to write but should I just continue writing and not stress myself out? I am fairly confident it's an original storyline. Any help would be appreciated.
Answer: There are very few wholly original ideas, which is why ideas cannot be copyrighted.
However, give twenty writers the same initial idea and they will create twenty different books.
This is especially true if you are writing a strongly character-driven book. If the characters are original and the style is uniquely yours, that counts for a lot.
Also, even if the general structure or pattern of your plot is similar to other stories, you will be fine if the way you illustrate this structure--the specific events, settings, etc.--is uniquely yours.
Just as Harry Potter and Star Wars share many similarities, yet are quite different stories, any number of unique stories can follow similar plot structures.
You probably shouldn't worry too much about trying to discover if there are any stories similar to yours. It would be a lot of work. Besides, if you find one, that will only increase the chances that you might accidentally borrow from it. Just focus on writing your story, and then you will have to rely on your own imagination.
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