
Question: This isn't really a question I just want an opinion. So my book takes place in a dystopian world where some people have powers and they either developed their powers or they were born with them. They have some sort of genetic mutation. All the powers and stuff happens around the same time. I don't know if I want it to be some sort of disease or if I want it to be some sort of next step in human evolution because there are adults that just develop their powers and then there are children that are born with them and have them all their life. I want it to be somewhat believable Like in the book The Darkest Minds there's a disease that kills a bunch of children but the ones that survive it ends up giving them powers but only children are infected and then in the show The Tomorrow People they are the next step in human evolution and eventually start developing there powers.

I want some people to be born with powers and always have them and I want some people to just develop them but it all happens around the same time and I'm not exactly sure how to make that happen I've been thinking and I just can't come up with anything. What's your opinion on it? I just need some sort of opinion to help me think straight.

Answer: I can't give you the solution, because that would be writing it
for you. But let me suggest a couple of things.

1. You can spend some time doing research. Read up on the latest developments in science, biology, mutation, genetic engineering, etc. until you find an interesting idea that would let you create a reasonable cause of these superpowers.

2. There is another trick writers often resort to, especially in stories about superheroes: make something up.

Let's face it, there are no scientifically proven ways for a human being to achieve superpowers. That's why they are called superpowers. Readers appreciate a consistent and reasonably plausible explanation, but at the end of the day you will be asking them to suspend their disbelief on some particular point.

You want some people to have been born with superpowers? Okay, maybe you just claim that they have always existed but kept themselves hidden for some reason (to avoid being exploited, persecuted, etc.). It works for stories about vampires, werevolves, etc.

Then something happens that either causes children to develop powers or perhaps triggers latent powers in more people. You choose the how and why behind this triggering event according to what interests you and how well it lends itself to the story you want to tell.

If you like paranormal, you might prefer magic. If you life science fiction, you might prefer a virus or technology.

The other thing to consider is if the event is accidental, a natural disaster, or deliberately caused, because that will affect your story.

Whatever you choose, just be consistent.

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by: Marissa

Thank you. It really helped me and after I read it I sat there and just thought for a few minutes and then came up with the answer I wanted. I decided to go with a virus type thing and I've thought about that before but was never really sure where to go with it but after your answer I really started to think and focus and I came up with the exact way I wanted it. Thank you so much I really just needed a few ideas to help me really think because I knew something would eventually click and it happened so thank you.

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