How do I find an illustrator for my novel series?

by Kendria Perry
(Miami, FL)

Question: Hi, my name is Summer and I'm currently working a novel series of 6 volumes. My books will be aimed at teenagers, so I want an illustrator to draw cover and inside illustrations for all 6 books. Do you know where I can find an illustrator for my books? Thanks in advance!

Answer: I'm guessing you're looking at self-publishing? I ask because a traditional publisher would likely prefer to match you with a book illustrator or designer of their choosing. So if that's the route you are taking, don't worry about finding an illustrator on your own.

If you want to self-publish, you can certainly find many freelance book illustrators advertised at places like, or through craigslist. Better bets might be or the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI). (I know, yours is a book for teenagers, but not all illustrators are that specialized. Look at the posted samples of work for a style you like.)

The challenge with these routes is that you would be dealing with someone you don't really know that well. Having a good relationship with a designer you have confidence in and with whom you see eye to eye is very important to avoid misunderstandings and to make sure you get something you're happy with.

If it were me, I would want to meet some illustrators face to face to see who I would like to work with. One possibility might be to go to a comic book convention. Many artists have display booths at these conventions and you can approach those whose work interests you. Or you could try an SCBWI convention or even a local art college.

Whoever you choose, make sure you have a properly drawn up contract that establishes things like who owns copyright over the illustrations and the finished book, how much you will pay, how much time they need (it could be longer than you think), whether you can ask for changes, etc. On heavily illustrated books, copyright is often jointly owned by author and illustrator who are entitled to equal royalties. Both names go on the cover. Or you may purchase illustrations and the right to reproduce them for a flat fee plus crediting the illustrator.

One site with a lot of information on the book design process (helpful background for working with an illustrator) is

Comments for How do I find an illustrator for my novel series?

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by: Summer

Thanks a lot for the advice, yes I will self-publish, and will go to for illustrators to find.

Finding an illustrator for your book
by: Shaun Lindow

If you need to find an illustrator, I would suggest posting your project on any of these sties (best first, worst last), Guru, iFreelance, Elance, Freelanced, and oDesk. You can post your project for free, and each site will usually yearly dozens of bids.
I've been illustrating novel covers for five years, and I still use Guru and I still use Guru to bid on novel illustration projects.
Best of luck!
- Shaun

by: dieken22

Doing them yourself is always the cheapest way. ...That is, if you can illustrate. If you can't, try searching Craigslist for some artists in need of work. The downfall of that is you wont be real sure how professional they'll be. Will they be patient with your revisions? Will you ultimately get the look you're going for or will you have to settle? One thing I always tell people when it comes to hiring a professional creative is you get what you pay for. Your best bet for your book to be professional in quality is to hire a professional. Some professional artists that do great work with outstanding professional quality for a relative cheaper price is Paper Crown Visual Studios. They work out of a their gallery which is called Paper Crown Gallery ( ). You can find more info about the services they offer in illustration and animation here

by: Anonymous

i am an illustrator in China ,maybe i can help u with my pleasure! my

by: Elena

I found these guys for my e-book and they did a great job:
Hope that helps!

by: Illustrator L.I.

Hi, I'm an Illustrator, and there's my website and my e-mail:

Laicletav Illustrations© By Jillian van Piggelen
Freelance Illustrator
Cell. +39 3488986641

by: Facundo


I would really love to be a part of your books as an Illustrator, I don´t have many samples yet since I´m just starting but you will see that I like to work both with colours and with black and white style.

Here´s a link to see some of my samples:

I would not ming at all to create some sketches related to your ideas if you want to make sure im fit for this work, just let me know!

Best regards,


Children Illustrator
by: Rosemarie Gillen

Are you looking for a children's book illustrator?

I am a professional, published, award-winning illustrator. As a professional freelance Children's Book Illustrator it is my job is to bring the characters in your book to life through lively, colorful, illustrations. A professional illustrator is able to show your readers everything about your story that your manuscript does not say. They create a world for your characters to live in.

I specialize in children's books, chapter books, picture books, educational material, and E-Books/kindles.

My proposal is to produce your book from start to finish, leaving nothing for YOU to worry about.

I will listen very closely to your suggestions and do my very best to give you what you ask for! Thank you for considering me for your project.

Please contact me at
Web site is

by: hirday

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How do I find an illustrator for my novel cover?

by Shaun Lindow
(Utah, USA)

There are a few sites out there that make it fairly quick and painless to find an illustrator for your novel. Here are what I think are the two best:
Other alternatives are Elance, Freelanced, and Odesk.
After you've posted your project, freelance artists will submit bids within your posted budget. Sorting through the bids is easy enough, and you can read through the reviews of the artists.
If you're looking for a top-shelf artist and have the money to pay for them, you can always pick of an issue of Expose, Exotique, or Spectrum.
I've been illustrating fantasy and science fiction novel covers for over five years and you can see my website below.
Thanks for reading,
- Shaun

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