
Question: How far can you move away in POV yet still be able to stick to one individual character's thoughts?

This is kind of in reference to the fact of how I noticed that in many books I've read I've ended up enjoying some of the featured supporting cast more than the main character. I understand that main characters in particularly should be one that people can sympathize with but I find that I enjoy the "abnormalities" and quirks of supporting characters and even if they'd be considered complete monsters, still enjoy them because they've got some kind of endearing quality. Sometimes I find that I enjoy not being so close to their thoughts so that they remain unpredictable and that they end up simply doing more interesting things than the main character and seem to have a wider range of possible actions.

Answer: While it's less common now, some writers still use an omniscient narrator, so it's still an option.

There are several differences between the main character and the other characters, apart from how appealing you find them. Generally, the main character is ...

* the point of view through which the reader views the story. Other characters are looked at, whereas the main character is doing the looking.

* the character who's inner conflict the reader is privy to.

In addition, the main character likely will be...

* the character who, by how he resolves his inner conflict, determines whether the Story Goal is achieved.

* the character the reader emphasizes most with.

* the central figure.

And the main character often is...

* the protagonist.

Ironically, you are free to make the main character a minor character in the story, especially if he is not the protagonist. In that case, he may be more like a character narrator. But his inner conflict should still be there, otherwise choose a different main character.

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