characters POV in a creative nonfiction book

Question: Is there a way to change the point of view in a creative nonfiction book, so that story is told by protagonist, but occasionally we get the POV of antagonist? I'm familiar with ways to do this in a fiction, but seems like could be slippery in a creative nonfiction. Am writing real life events, written like a novel - Eat, Pray, Love- ish style.

Answer: I'm pretty sure I've seen it done. The rules are the same as with fiction writing. Try to only switch at chapter breaks. Make it very clear to the reader whose POV is being narrated at any time. Etc.

The only difference is that you are basing your narration on historical facts, as much as possible.

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by: Anonymous

Thank you Glen for the quick reply! I didnt expect that. Okay, I'll give it whirl and see how it flys :) thanks again. Just came to your site yesterday - havent had much time to look around yet , but I will - seems like a treasure chest awaits.

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