Creating my reason, emotion, sidekick and Skeptic archetype

Hello how are you..I have a hard time creating my reason and emotion archetypes. My protagonist is a warrior human who pursues freeing people from the goblins and he considers that humanity could live a free life from tyranny. My antagonist is the Goblin who wants to prevent the people from being free from the goblins and reconsiders saying that if they try they would eat everyone. The guardian helps the protagonist and is the voice of the conscience saying that the protagonist must become like Goblins and put aside his warrior ways in order to get to them. But my contagonist tries to hinder him and tempts him to go full bash in his warrior lifestyle and not submit to their ways. There lies the problem I cannot figure out my reason, emotion, sidekick and skeptic characters and how they contribute to the overall value of the story. Thanks.

Answer: One thing to bear in mind is that all these characters can appear on either side of the conflict. For instance, your Sidekick and Skeptic can appear in the company of the Goblin as easily as the Hero. They can also be on no one's side. Your Hero or Villain may encounter them on neutral terrain in the course of events.

The importance of these characters is that they represent different ways of evaluating people's efforts. The Reason character will take a rational, focused approach. The Emotion character will operate on emotions and pay attention to things outside the main focus. The Sidekick will be supportive and optimistic. The Skeptic will criticize and be pessimistic. All these different points of view help other characters and the reader see the right course of action.

Not all the characters require starring roles. But having them appear somewhere in the story gives a sense of completeness to the story. For instance, if there is no Reason point of view to balance the Emotion, something can feel missing.

I'm guessing you are planning to have more than four characters in your story, since four is not a lot. Assigning your characters different archetypal roles will also help you distinguish them from each other. Nothing is more dull than a story in which all the characters seem the same and have the same emotional drives.

Of course, you will add other distinguishing traits such as backgrounds, physical features, likes/dislikes, skills, etc. But the archetypal motivations will help you know how each character will react in a situation.

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